Spring 2023 Updates

-----------------------------  sent on 5/8/2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC Coaches and Parents (cc Westside Soccer board) –

I know that most of you are perfectly fine at Rec soccer games this spring, but there have been a few significant behavioral issues this season with coaches and parents, so please read the message below as a reminder. 

Coaches are required to oversee the behavior of them self, players, and parents/guest attending all league games.  Bad behavior reflects on you, your team, your club, and the league.  Please remember to stay calm and think before you speak/act. 

The other team you will be playing is not the enemy or someone to hate.  The other team is just kids out to enjoy the game of soccer.  Remember to have fun and enjoy the time.  Work with the other coach to make the time on the field enjoyable for all. 

Remember the blowout rule is 5 goals difference in score.  It is no fun when the score is run up.  Coach winning by 5 or more goals is "required" to pull back.  The two coaches should work together.  Suggestions to handle this are: 

- Moving the best players out of goal scoring positions (do this first, especially for G5 and up)

- Adding a player to the team that is down

- Mixing up the teams (a good choice for the youngest teams)

Treat the Referees with respect.  We need the referees to keep the game going.  They are going to make mistakes. Most of referees will be only a couple a years older than kids on the field.  If you mistreat the referee and they leave the game, we have lost this referee and have to try to replace them.  Learning to be a good referee takes time.  When you are talking to these youth referees, I want you to treat as if they were your own child.  Be understanding.  If there is a real issue, the coach should contact the club.  The league referee scheduler will work with the referee to improve their game.

You may not have Referees at all your games.  We have lots of games to staff and not get them all filled.   Anyone 13 years old and older can become a referee. (http://oregonreferee.com).  It’s a great way for teenagers to earn money.

If you are not happy with the ways things are run, then please step and get involved.  We are always looking for new volunteers for our club.   

Finally, please have fun with the kids.  Enjoy your time.  Keeping the smiles on the kids’ faces throughout the whole season is your main job and having the kids come back next spring or fall is a sign of your success. 

Thank you.  -- Karl Meyer, WSC president

=> FA Respect_Elders & Betters (Parent to Kid) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-6NMMZU1kQ

=> FA Respect Campaign: Two Ray (Referee) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezZ2ZRfSsLY

=> FA Respect Are You Losing It Parent (Kid) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWmH2pwfrvM

=> FA Respect Programme (Referee) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TEd77NoSGk


-------------------------------------------- Sent on 3/13/2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC families --

Welcome to our Spring 2023 soccer season.  Below is much of the information that you need, so please read carefully.  If you still have questions, contact our office at westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com.

Volunteer needs

WSC is an all volunteer run organization. We are in need of several volunteers to help keep the club running. If you have some time to help kids play soccer in our community, please contact me. We are in need of Age Group Coordinators and people for our board of directors.


Teams have been formed and all teams are now available to be viewed on the Demosphere app.  I strongly encourage everyone to load the Demosphere app on their phone.  You must have the app to see any messages that are posted by your coach or other parents on the team.

Coaches should be contacting all families shortly if they have not already.  There are a few teams that still do not have a coach and we are working to identify coaches as quickly as possible.  If you have not heard from your coach by March 20 you can send an email to westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com to find out about your team.

Practice Schedule

Practices begin the week of Monday April 3, field conditions permitting.  Your head coach will notify you about your team's practice schedule. 

Game Schedule

Games start on Saturday April 8, field conditions permitting.  The G2-G8 game schedule will be posted on the THJSL website (Tualatin Hills Junior Soccer League | Home) about 1-2 weeks prior to the start of games .  Your head coach will notify you about your game schedule.

The micro (K and 1st grade) schedule will be posted on the Micro page of the Westside Web site.


Kindergarten and 1st grade: Players will get their uniform (jersey and socks) directly from their coach.

Grade 2 through Grade 8: Uniform is the Westside kit that can be purchased at Tursi's.  Westside Rec – Tursi Soccer Store (tursissoccer.com)   It's OK to re-use G2-HS uniforms from previous seasons.  

If you need to purchase a new uniform from Tursi's, it is recommended to go to the store and purchase in person.  On line orders may not be shipped in a timely manner.

If you have any soccer gear that your kids have outgrown, please donate it to Westside soccer for use by families in need.  You can donate gear at the Westside soccer office, at Tursi's when you're buying new stuff, or by contacting me at president@westsidesoccerclub.com.  We will also be working with coaches to aid in collection of reusable gear.

COVID policy

We will continue to follow the COVID procedures of the Beaverton School District.  See our website at www.westsidesoccerclub.com for more details.  Most importantly, stay home if you are not feeling well

Behavior at Games

We expect all players, parents and coaches to conduct themselves in the best manner possible.  Please use only positive and encouraging comments when at the games.

Westside Soccer Club does not tolerate any form of physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying or harassment. Any such issues will result in disciplinary action.

There is currently a shortage of referees.  We must treat the referees with respect at all times.  We cannot afford to lose referees because they are being yelled at by coaches or parents.  If you are interested in becoming a referee, please go to www.oregonreferee.com to find classes.

That’s all for now.  Have a great season.

Karl Meyer, WSC president


Familias WSC --

Bienvenidos a nuestra temporada de fútbol primavera 2023.  A continuación se muestra gran parte de la información que necesita, así que lea atentamente.  Si aún tiene preguntas, comuníquese con nuestra oficina en westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com.

Necesidades de voluntariado

WSC es una organización dirigida por voluntarios. Necesitamos varios voluntarios para ayudar a mantener el club en funcionamiento. Si tiene algo de tiempo para ayudar a los niños a jugar fútbol en nuestra comunidad, comuníquese conmigo. Necesitamos coordinadores de grupos de edad y personas para nuestra junta directiva.


Se han formado equipos y todos los equipos ya están disponibles para ser vistos en la aplicación Demosphere.  Recomiendo encarecidamente a todos que carguen la aplicación Demosphere en su teléfono.  Debe tener la aplicación para ver los mensajes publicados por su entrenador u otros padres en el equipo.

Los entrenadores deben comunicarse con todas las familias en breve, si aún no lo han hecho.  Hay algunos equipos que todavía no tienen un entrenador y estamos trabajando para identificar entrenadores lo más rápido posible.  Si no has tenido noticias de tu entrenador antes del 20 de marzo, puedes enviar un correo electrónico a westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com para conocer a tu equipo.

Horario de práctica

Las prácticas comienzan la semana del lunes 3 de abril.  Tu entrenador en jefe te notificará sobre el horario de práctica de tu equipo. 

Calendario de juegos

Los juegos comienzan el sábado 8 de abril.  El calendario de juegos G2-G8 se publicará en el sitio web de THJSL (Tualatin Hills Junior Soccer League | Casa) alrededor de 1-2 semanas antes del inicio de los juegos.  Su entrenador en jefe le notificará sobre su calendario de juegos.

El horario de micro (K y 1er grado) se publicará en la página Micro del sitio web de Westside.


Kindergarten y 1er grado: Los jugadores recibirán su uniforme (camiseta y calcetines) directamente de su entrenador.

Grado 2 a Grado 8: El uniforme es el kit del lado oeste que se puede comprar en Tursi's.  Westside Rec – Tursi Soccer Store (tursissoccer.com) Está bien reutilizar los uniformes G2-HS de temporadas anteriores.  

Si necesita comprar un nuevo uniforme de Tursi's, se recomienda ir a la tienda y comprar en persona.  Los pedidos en línea pueden no ser enviados de manera oportuna. 

Si tiene algún equipo de fútbol que sus hijos ya no estén usando, por favor dónelo a Westside soccer para que lo usen las familias necesitadas.  Aceptaremos camisetas, pantalones cortos, calcetines, espinilleras, tacos de fútbol y pelotas.  Puedes donar el equipo en la oficina de fútbol de Westside, en Tursi's cuando compres cosas nuevas o poniéndote en contacto conmigo en president@westsidesoccerclub.com.  

Política COVID

Continuaremos siguiendo los procedimientos COVID del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton.  Consulte nuestro sitio web en www.westsidesoccerclub.com para obtener más detalles.  Lo más importante es quedarse en casa si no se siente bien.  

Comportamiento en los juegos

Esperamos que todos los jugadores, padres y entrenadores se comporten de la mejor manera posible.  Por favor, use solo comentarios positivos y alentadores cuando esté en los juegos.

Westside Soccer Club no tolera ninguna forma de abuso físico, abuso sexual, intimidación o acoso. Cualquier problema de este tipo dará lugar a medidas disciplinarias.  

Actualmente hay escasez de árbitros.  Debemos tratar a los árbitros con respeto en todo momento.  No podemos permitirnos perder árbitros porque están siendo gritados por entrenadores o padres.  Si está interesado en convertirse en árbitro, vaya a www.oregonreferee.com para encontrar clases.

Eso es todo por ahora.  Que tengas una gran temporada.